sabato 16 gennaio 2010

The end!

During this long time, I worked on the bikes and I realized that the better thing to do is stop the current project! This decisone came out after a long analisys of what I had in the hands; at the end nothing! Just a commercial model, not the best one, full of imperfections and poor in details. Frame needs a long work (and it's in metal, dificult to work), motor is in absolute the thing that deluded me more.
So, the new direction of the project is start from a good base, I checked around for see what can be good. My decision is don't use a metal model, so, I will use a Tamiya kit, and my choice went over the DUCATI 916.
I will wait a little before to start it, I want to finish some old model and after I will start with my project, however, it will be a parallel project, I wont put on it the 100% of my "energy".
Stay tuned!

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